Sunday, March 9, 2008

Read: "Now starting in left for Mets ... Barry Bonds?"

in reference to this weeks underthetressel poll, some recent rumors, and specifically today's Newsday article by David Lennon, I'd like to discuss the Mets and Barry Bonds.... while so far the poll has indicated (and not surprisingly) that people are strongly opposed to Bonds coming to the Mets, David Lennon offers some good quotes and ideas about the prospect of possibly signing the home run king....

Lennon's article was a great read and here are some interesting quotes (,0,3083813.story) --

"Despite all the negatives associated with Bonds, and there are many, the boost to this lineup would be immeasurable. It's just that the Mets simply aren't that desperate -- yet."

"As one Met said Saturday: 'Why not bring in a talent like that? We'd win.'"

"When the question of Bonds coming to the Mets was posed to one veteran Saturday, the response was similar to what some of the Giants used to say. 'I don't want to be answering for Barry all the time,' the player said. 'If you could guarantee we'd win the World Series, I'd sign anybody.'"

what do you all think? yes, Barry would create a "media firestorm," as Lennon put it, around the team.... but as fans, would you do anything to win? could you cheer for Bonds? would you cheer for Bonds? if Bonds were on the team, would you cheer and chant for him after a huge home run the same way you would another player you like more?

it's pretty strong that Mets fans do not want Bonds, but could Mets fans accept Bonds?

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