Thursday, April 30, 2009

On serious note, Fire Jerry?

Okay, so my last post might have been a bit over the top, but I still stand by it 103%  Though as I read various blogs and articles today it seems as though I am not the only one questioning our unproven leaders abilities.  I am going to go out on a leg here and say that there is very good chance the Manuel will not make it through the year.  I have absolutely no idea who you would replace him with, but I do think come September if things don't considerably pick up, Omar is going to pull the rip cord.  

If he does, maybe this time we can pick a manager that likes to use these things called "statistics" and "logic."

Who am I kidding.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Now, I'll say that I never had anything against Jerry Manuel, until he took over as Manager of the Mets.  To me he is pretty much just Willie Randolph except he likes to talk funny.  He still can’t manage a bullpen, a lineup, and goes with his "gut," instead of using facts.  I think you all know why he needs to go when you look at a game like this. What is going through his mind?


Bottom 9

Bases loaded

2 outs......

Any Reasonable person ever to watch a game of baseball - "I am going to stick with Castro,  He’s got some pop, he has two hits and RBI today and he is clearly our best available player on the bench.  Oh, and he has a Major League contract."


JM - "I think Castro might have too much power, too long of a swing.  I think the only reasonable decision to make here is pull my 8 hitter and show the strength of the Mets minor league system. "


We all know the results.  


Seriously, after the game, Manuel says and I quote.... "Santos has a ‘shorter swing,’” and JM believed that Santos would be a better match up against Lindstrom’s 98–mph fastball.


Fire him for that statement.  Fire him now.  It would have been way better for Manuel just to say, it’s Omir's 28th birthday, which it is, so I wanted to give him an at bat.  Still not good by any means but much better logic then saying Omir Santos, who has played 19 games in the major leagues at the age of 28, is a better match up for Lindstrom. 


This also makes me wonder, who in God’s name would have pinch hit for the pitcher? 


Give me a fucking break.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Panic, no dont panic, okay maybe panic a little?

So the Mets are 9-11, they’re not in a terrible place but they are certainly not where they thought they would be.  It’s frustrating to watch, but at the same time I have to remind myself, it’s not even May yet.


But certainly there is reason for frustration.  For example let’s look at our starting pitching.  When Johan Santana pitches, you have to assume that you are going to win that game.  He is your ace, the best pitcher on your team, hell maybe even on this side of the Rockies (gotta give it up to my boy Tim L.  from SF)  So just for the hell of it, let’s assume that every time  Johan takes the mound, he will win 95% of the time.  For the record, I completely made that percentage up, and no way is it meaningful. 


Let’s look at our 2, 3, and 4 pitchers and give them percentages on how often the Mets will win when they take the hill.  Based upon last year stats for Mike Pelfry, and Maines, and Perez’s entire time of the club, the Mets should win about:


Mike Pelfrey -52%

John Maine – 59%

Oliver Perez – 57%


This has nothing to with the pitchers winning percentages, but the winning percentage of the Mets when each pitcher takes the hill. 


But now you have the lonely 5 starter, Livan.  He’s basically here because we are too cheap to pay Pedro.  But, let’s like Johan, make up the Mets winning percentage when Livan takes the mound, I’ll take a stab at 35%.  That’s pretty bad, but as long as he keeps you in the game, a high powered offense such as the Mets should be able to at least steal a couple of games for him.


So when you look at a game such as tonight, when Livan gives you 5.1 innings, left with the lead, and kept you in the game, the Mets still lose.  That’s a bad loss in my opinion.

I know you can’t win them all, but all you can ask is for Livan to keep you in the game, like he did tonight, and let your offense go to work.  Nolasco has been shaky so far this season, and I’ll still take the Mets offense to nearly any bullpen


The Mets need to put it together, because if this trend continues of mediocre pitching, and leaving waaaaaaaaaaaay to many men on base, it’s going to be an extremely long season, at least for this fan.