Friday, May 22, 2009

The Icing on the Firing Jerry Cake.

If you didn't think Jerry should be fired, for his illogical lineups, and awful overall managing of a baseball game, then here's all you need to prove that he is aware of logic and stats, but prefers to be an idiot. In regards to using statistics and logic, Jerry had this to say......

“A lot of it is based on an ability to read individuals… To try to put them in situations that are best for them and then how does that fit in the context of winning… That’s why I like early hitting. I watch that very carefully because I think that can be critical in making the right decision on what you think is best. Not just study a number and say, ‘OK, he’s nine out of 10 against this guy.’ Am I going to get that one out of 10 or that nine out of 10? I don’t like to rely on stats.”


I don't think I need to say anything else.

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