Monday, April 21, 2008

Heil the Setup man.

Although I was not able to see the entire game tonight, this loss in my opinion, is a bad one. John Maine pitched well tonight 6 innings, 2 runs, 1HR, 6 SO, and 2 BB, not bad at all. Unfortuntly the Mets offense did not help very much, and to their credit, Carlos Zambrano was on the mound and also pitched very well. But the fact of the matter is, John Maine should not get an L, rather Heilman. He has not pitched well at all this season, and his outing tonight was terrible. Although he only gave up 2 runs, he virtually took the mets out of the game. Jose Reyes made a terrible error on a routine grounder, then Heilman "pronks" Aramis Ramirez, followed by an EPIC at bat, where FUCKyoudome, gets a hit, loading the bases. Miraculously, Heilman was able to get a SO, then a pop up, but then gave up a 2 run double, virtually taking the mets out of the game. Sosa who allowed a 3 run bomb, did not help either.

The setup man is so stupid. In ten years are we gonna have names for the 5 and 1/3 pitcher who comes in? Or the 7th inning guy too? Why does Heilman deserve to be the setup man? Is it necessary for him to pitch every 8th inning? I just think that we should rotate, or at least not have a set, setup man. Its fine if Heilman gets it more than other pitchers, but I kinda think its a little bit ridiculous that there is a set 8th man pitcher. Heilman is also getting killed by lefty's this year, and as always is giving up the long ball, 3 this year.

Tonight the Mets certainly had a chance, but not after the 8th inning.


Mark Shapiro has no interest in trading him. None.